
All of the ingredients in these recipes can be purchased "gluten free", always read labels to be sure your ingredients are GF

I only use Jules Gluten Free flour anymore in my recipes. The recipes will work out great with it, but I can't garantee that using another all purpose mix will work out as well or taste good. If you haven't tried this mix. It is WELL worth the time and effort to order it. I can make anything except types of bread. Still working on that.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Food for Thought

If you know of anyone who is experiencing any weird unexplained symptoms have them read this. If you are having a hard time reading it click on picture.

 If you are wondering if this may be your problem,  Don't go off gluten!!!  Have a blood test done first!!

My symptoms were:
Peripheral Neuropothy
Geographic Tongue
Unexplained weight loss (10 lbs, 5 years ago)
I would wake up with my whole leg (including rear end) or arms and hands asleep
Tender abdomen when pressed on right in the center below my ribs. (Didn't know until going Gluten free)
I also have other weird stuff that I wonder if it will go away now that I am gluten free.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing....I had been struggling with some symptoms for a while and finally got them diagnosed as IBS. I was worried that I was going to have to change everything like you are but not quite. I'm going to be trying your recipes. They all look so great!
